Astrid Ogilvie
Astrid Ogilvie is a Fellow of INSTAAR at the University of Colorado, a Senior Scientist at the Stefansson Arctic Institute in Akureyri, Iceland, Adjunct Professor at Hunter College, the City University of New York and at Royal Roads University, Canada and Associate Professor at the Arctic Research Centre (CER-ARCTIC) at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Ogilvie has an abiding interest in the broader issues of climatic change, the environmental humanities and current Arctic issues. Her overarching career goal is to build bridges between the social and natural sciences in order to foster interdisciplinary cross-fertilization. Specific research foci include: historical ecology; studies of sustainability and adaptability in Arctic and Subarctic regions; changing seasonality in the Arctic; the historical climatology of northern Europe; reconstruction of variations in the incidence of sea ice; the impact of climate on societies (human dimensions); and syntheses of proxy climate records.
In addition to the ACT project, other current and recent projects include the NordForsk Nordic Centre of Excellence project: Arctic Climate Predictions: Pathways to Resilient, Sustainable Societies (ARCPATH) http://www.svs.is/en/projects/arcpath; The Natural World in Literary and Historical Sources from Iceland ca. AD 800 to 1800 (ICECHANGE) funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (Sweden) http://www.svs.is/en/projects/icechange; Northern Knowledge for Resilience, Sustainable Environments and Adaptation in Coastal Communities (NORSEACC) funded by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRCC) https://commons.royalroads.ca/norseacc/; and the Belmont Forum project Understanding Resilience and Long-Term Environmental Change in the High Arctic - Narrative-Based Analyses from Svalbard (SVALUR) https://www.slu.se/svalur.